Welcome families and friends, first time visitors and seekers of faith. Sacred Heart Parish consists of three churches:
Sacred Heart Church in Colorado Springs, CO
Holy Rosary Chapel in Cascade, CO &
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel in Manitou Springs, CO.
Fr. Jarrod Waugh, CSC is our Pastor and
Fr. Vincent Nguyen, CSC is our Associate Pastor
Our three churches are an apostolate of the Congregation of Holy Cross, based in South Bend, Indiana. Holy Cross priests and brothers serve in 13 parishes in the United States and serve in 16 different countries around the world.
We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. We follow our mission, As a prayerful Catholic Community of service following Jesus Christ's message of hope and salvation, we make God known, loved and served.
Fr. Jarrod Waugh, CSC washes the feet of parishioners on Holy Thursday, April 6, 2023.
Sacred Heart Church offers a live-stream of the 5:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass on our website each week.
​Not able to join us at that time? No problem! A recording of the Mass will be available all week on our website.
Whether in person or online, we hope you will join us!
3rd Sunday of Lent, March 22, 2025
Join us for the live stream of the 5:30 pm Vigil on Saturdays.
The live stream should appear above 5 minutes prior to the liturgy. If you do not see it, refresh the page.
How can our parish pray for you? Submit prayer requests for ​our parish's Prayer Basket.
By: Fr. Jarrod Waugh, CSC, Pastor
Today’s first reading describes one of the most important moments in all of history. The Living God speaks to his servant, Moses, and shares with him his own Name. It is difficult to translate the Name that was shared with Moses (and completely impossible to translate for yourself if you don’t know Ancient Hebrew… and I don’t!), but the most common ways to render the Name in English are “I AM,” and “I AM WHO AM.” This is a strikingly different way to understand and describe the identity of (a) divinity as compared to more common names and titles for gods in the ancient world. Other peoples had gods associated with natural phenomena— a sun god or a moon goddess, a rain god, a god of the sea— but the God of Moses has two main defining attributes: he is the “God of your forefathers, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” and he is the God ‘who IS.’
I think there is an underlying implication that, if the God of Moses is the ‘God Who IS,’ that perhaps there is some doubt about whether all those other gods of other peoples really ‘be’ or not. I have sometimes, for the sake of explanation, paraphrased the Name of God as, “I AM; I AM the only One who must exist.” Only one thing, one person, one Someone is necessary, is synonymous with existence itself. The one true God IS existence, he IS being. The God of Moses is not the god of thunder. The God of Moses is the God of there being anything at all.
The fact that God self-describes as being “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” describes the Lord’s connection with Moses and his people in terms of a relationship down through the generations. This is again significant, as the most important attributes of God are not first of all his powers or abilities (not to say those don’t exist), but the relationship or covenant, the promise, God has had with you and your ancestors.
The God of Moses is the God who has a relationship with you and your kin; the God of Moses is the One who is the source of being itself.
Always stay connected to our parish by receiving our parish communications, including weekly videos, through our communication provider Flocknote.
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Pope Francis declared 2025 as the Jubilee Year of Hope and has called for this Jubilee Year to "be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus.” (Spes Non Confundit, 1). Christ is truly the "Hope that does not disappoint."
As Pilgrims of Hope, we are encouraged to draw closer to God through prayer, study, formation, and pilgrimage. The Diocese of Colorado Springs website offers a number of resources to assist on your journey, including recommendations on books, formations/ studies, ministry resources, podcasts, prayers, and more!
Visit https://www.diocs.org/About/Year-of-Hope
Watch Bishop Golka's video message (left) of hope.
“As Catholic Bishops of Colorado, we approach the issue of immigration with prayerful hearts, seeking to guide our communities in a spirit of charity, justice, mercy, and prudence. The call to welcome the stranger is woven into the fabric of our faith, and in standing with immigrants, it is our first concern that they know the love of Jesus Christ and their dignity as human beings. We also recognize the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of our communities, as well as passing on the teaching of the Church on immigration to those who govern.”
Sacred Heart Church:
Daily Mass: 8 am; 7:40 am Rosary
Sunday Mass:
Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am & 11:30 am
Adoration: Thursday, 5:30-6:30 pm & Saturday after the 8 am Daily Mass until 9 am.
​Confession: Thursday, 5:30-6:30 pm &
Saturday, 9-10 am or by appointment.
Anointing of the Sick:
First Friday of the month during Daily Mass
Holy Day Mass: 8 am, 12:10 pm & 6:30 pm
Holy Rosary Chapel:
Saturday: 4 pm
Our Lady of Perpetual Help:
Sunday: 5 pm
March 2025
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
10:10am Youth Ministry
10:10am Adult Faith Formation
10:10am Children's Faith Formation
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
5pm Mass at OLPH
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Women's Ministry
6:30pm Women's Ministry Meeting
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
Show all
6:30am Men's Group
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confirmation Retreat
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Show all
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
10:10am Youth Ministry
10:10am Children's Faith Formation
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
3:30pm OLPH Community Meeting
5pm Mass at OLPH
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Ash Wednesday Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
12:10pm Ash Wednesday Mass
6:30pm Ash Wednesday Mass
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
6pm Knights of Columbus Meeting
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8am Anointing of the Sick
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
3pm Stations of the Cross
4:30pm KoC Fish Fry
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Show all
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
10:10am Youth Ministry
10:10am Children's Faith Formation
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
4pm Lenten Vespers
5pm Mass at OLPH
6pm OLPH Potluck Social
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
2:30pm Caregiver Support Group
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Women's Ministry Meeting
Show all
Parish Mission
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
6:45pm Parish Mission Talk
7pm Journey
Show all
6:30am Men's Group
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
8:45am Parish Mission talk
3pm Stations of the Cross
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
7:15pm Parish Mission talk
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Spiritual Growth Group
9am Confession
9:45am Parish Mission talk
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5pm HR Community Social
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
6:45pm Parish Mission talk
Show all
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts
10:10am Youth Ministry
10:10am Children's Faith Formation
10:15am Parish Mission talk
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
1pm Baptism Class
4pm Lenten Vespers
5pm Mass at OLPH
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Show all
9am Book Club
6:30pm Women's Ministry
6:30pm Feast of St. Joseph Mass
7:30pm Reception for Feast of St. Joseph
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
6pm Knights of Columbus Meeting
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
3pm Stations of the Cross
3pm Stations of the Cross at Holy Rosary
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Show all
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am KoC FREE Pancake Breakfast
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am KoC FREE Pancake Breakfast
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
4pm Lenten Vespers
5pm Mass at OLPH
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Women's Ministry
6:30pm Women's Ministry Meeting
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
Show all
6:30am Men's Group
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
3pm Stations of the Cross
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Show all
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
4pm Lenten Vespers
5pm Mass at OLPH
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
6pm Knights of Columbus Meeting
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8am Anointing of the Sick
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
3pm Stations of the Cross
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
2:30pm Holy Rosary Community Meeting
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Show all
Mailing/ Delivery address:
2021 W. Pikes Peak Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
​Physical address:
2030 W. Colorado Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
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