King Soopers

Community Rewards

King Soopers Community Rewards Program:

Please participate in the King Soopers Community Rewards Program to benefit Sacred Heart Church. Your King Soopers Loyalty Rewards Card (the card that gives you fuel points and savings) needs to be linked to Sacred Heart Church for our parish to receive rewards each time you shop. Swipe your Loyalty Rewards Card (or enter your alternative id) when you make a purchase and Sacred Heart Church receives a percentage of your total purchase amount to benefit the Sacred Heart Building Fund. To link your card, visit Create an online account with King Soopers or log into your existing account. (You must have an email address to participate.)

Click on Community Rewards. Search for our church name or enter our church code: QS513 (Be sure to select the correct location!) .
Note: You can only pick one organization to benefit from this program.

In the past seven years, Sacred Heart Church has received $54,058.71 from this amazing program! 

If you have questions or need help linking your Loyalty Rewards Card, contact or stop by the Parish Office. Don’t have a Loyalty Rewards Card? No problem! Contact the Parish Office at 633-8711.

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