March 2025
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
10:10am Youth Ministry
10:10am Adult Faith Formation
10:10am Children's Faith Formation
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
5pm Mass at OLPH
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Women's Ministry
6:30pm Women's Ministry Meeting
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
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6:30am Men's Group
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confirmation Retreat
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Show all
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
10:10am Youth Ministry
10:10am Children's Faith Formation
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
3:30pm OLPH Community Meeting
5pm Mass at OLPH
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Ash Wednesday Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
12:10pm Ash Wednesday Mass
6:30pm Ash Wednesday Mass
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
6pm Knights of Columbus Meeting
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8am Anointing of the Sick
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
3pm Stations of the Cross
4:30pm KoC Fish Fry
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Show all
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
10:10am Youth Ministry
10:10am Children's Faith Formation
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
4pm Lenten Vespers
5pm Mass at OLPH
6pm OLPH Potluck Social
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
2:30pm Caregiver Support Group
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Women's Ministry Meeting
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Parish Mission
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
6:45pm Parish Mission Talk
7pm Journey
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6:30am Men's Group
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
8:45am Parish Mission talk
3pm Stations of the Cross
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
7:15pm Parish Mission talk
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Spiritual Growth Group
9am Confession
9:45am Parish Mission talk
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5pm HR Community Social
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
6:45pm Parish Mission talk
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7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts
10:10am Youth Ministry
10:10am Children's Faith Formation
10:15am Parish Mission talk
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
1pm Baptism Class
4pm Lenten Vespers
5pm Mass at OLPH
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
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9am Book Club
6:30pm Women's Ministry
6:30pm Feast of St. Joseph Mass
7:30pm Reception for Feast of St. Joseph
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7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
6pm Knights of Columbus Meeting
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
3pm Stations of the Cross
3pm Stations of the Cross at Holy Rosary
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
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7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am KoC FREE Pancake Breakfast
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am KoC FREE Pancake Breakfast
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
4pm Lenten Vespers
5pm Mass at OLPH
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Women's Ministry
6:30pm Women's Ministry Meeting
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
Show all
6:30am Men's Group
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
3pm Stations of the Cross
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Show all
7:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
8:30am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
9am Mass at Sacred Heart
10am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am Mass at Sacred Heart
4pm Lenten Vespers
5pm Mass at OLPH
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
11:30am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
12pm ACA Group
6pm CODA- AA Group
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
6pm New Beginnings AA Group
6:30pm OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am ACA Group
12pm Food Pantry
5:30pm Adoration & Confession
6pm Knights of Columbus Meeting
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
8am Anointing of the Sick
8:45am Coffee & Donuts after Mass
3pm Stations of the Cross
6pm Narcotics Anonymous
6pm APEX- AA Group
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:40am Recite Rosary
8am Daily Mass
9am Confession
11am Steele Magnolias AA Group
2:30pm Holy Rosary Community Meeting
4pm Mass at Holy Rosary
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
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Our parish's next medical supply drive for Project C.U.R.E. will be May 17 & 18, 2025. We collect gently used medical supplies to donate to impoverished countries. Click here if you would like to download a tax-deductible receipt for your previous contribution.
Parish Staff Changes
Fr. Vincent Nguyen, CSC has been assigned as our new Associate Pastor. Welcome Fr. Vincent!
We are excited to announce that Margaret Brophy is our new Parish Receptionist/ Admin Assistant. Margaret has been a parishioner for seven years and previously taught at a school. We are excited that Margaret will join our staff!
We are excited to announce that Mary Superata is our new Director of Faith Formation. Mary has served as our parish receptionist for the past four years. Previously, Mary has served as a Director of Faith Formation for over 30 years in the diocese. We are excited for Mary in her new role!
We are excited to welcome Timothy Sawyer, our new part-time Youth Minister! Tim will also work with our Confirmation Class starting next semester. Tim has been a member of our parish since he joined the church in 2022. Welcome Tim!
A big THANK YOU to Sandy Goddard, who has volunteered as our parish’s Youth Minister for the past year and led the program. “We thank you so much for the two years of commitment to help build our Youth Ministry program at Sacred Heart Parish. The youth and volunteers have enjoyed the journey with you, helping our faith grow, and creating a community bond with the young people of our parish. We pray as you take this next journey of your life to enjoy traveling with your grandchildren and children, and travel across the world, please remember us and we will keep you always in prayer.”
We are sad to announce that Pam Kestner, our parish’s Assistant Faith Formation Director, has announced her retirement effective May 15, 2024. Pam has been on staff since July 2021 assisting Cathy Kusman-Kelly, our Faith Formation Director. We will miss Pam and her passion for the children and youth of our parish. Enjoy your retirement!
We are sad to announce that Cathy Kusman-Kelly, our parish’s Faith Formation Director, has announced her retirement effective June 2, 2024. Cathy has been on staff since 2021, but has served in parishes for 40 years. We will miss Cathy and her knowledge and experience with Faith Formation. Enjoy your retirement!
We are sad to announce that Fr. Randy Rentner, CSC, our Associate Pastor, has been reassigned and left the parish July 22, 2024. Fr. Randy had been with us for six years and has done many wonderful things at the parish, including leading the mission churches, offering Adult Faith Formation classes, offering his weekly Straight from the Heart videos, assisting with RCIA, and so much more. He has been reassigned as pastor to St. André Bessette Parish in Portland, OR. He will be greatly missed.
Fr. Vincent Nguyen, CSC has been assigned as our new Associate Pastor beginning Sept. 1, 2024.
Click below to check out all of the different volunteer opportunities and ways to get involved at Sacred Heart Parish!
Sacred Heart Parish 100th Anniversary history book is a coffee table-style book, featuring color photos and text by Grace Donnelly. The book is available for a suggested donation of $50. All proceeds benefit the future Saint André House. Contact the Parish Office at 719-633-8711.
OLPH Parishioner Michael Parrish is returning to Villa Infantil Orphanage located outside of Guadalajara, Mexico. Michael is requesting funds to stock the orphanage’s shelves with food and essentials. To donate, visit
We are sad to announce that Fr. Ron has been reassigned. After serving nine years as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Fr. Ron left us on July 18, 2022. Our new pastor is Fr. Jarrod Waugh, CSC, who started his ministry on July 18, 2022.
Please participate in the King Soopers Community Rewards Program to benefit the Capital Campaign at Sacred Heart Church. Your King Soopers Loyalty Rewards Card (the card that gives you fuel points and savings) needs to be linked to Sacred Heart Church for our parish to receive rewards each time you shop.
Swipe your Loyalty Rewards Card (or enter your alternative id) when you make a purchase and Sacred Heart Church receives a percentage of your total purchase amount to benefit the Sacred Heart Building Fund. To link your card, visit Create an online account with King Soopers or login to your existing account. (You must have an email address to participate.) Click on Community Rewards. Search for our church name or enter our church code: QS513 (Be sure to select the correct location!) Note: You can only pick one organization to benefit from this program.
If you have questions or need help linking your Loyalty Rewards Card, contact or stop by the Parish Office. Don’t have a Loyalty Rewards Card? No problem! Contact the Parish Office at 633-8711.
Each year we average 40-50 funerals at our parish! We need your help! We need volunteers who are willing to drop off food items for meals for the family and friends of the deceased after a funeral at our parish. We also need volunteers to help set up and clean after the meal.
If you are willing to volunteer in any capacity, please call Dora Gonzales at 233-3901 or email Thank you to all the volunteers who participate in this important ministry.
Sacred Heart Church has volunteers that meet to clean the church each week. If you would like volunteer to help clean the church, email
If you are caring for someone with dementia or other struggles, whether at home, in a facility setting, or from a distance, there is a support group at Sacred Heart Parish! Facilitated by parishioner Paula Levy, the group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:30 pm in the Parish Center Conference Room. Come for support, for encouragement, for a time of sharing with others who face the same challenges. For more information, contact Paula Levy at 331-3640.
Mailing/ Delivery address:
2021 W. Pikes Peak Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Physical address:
2030 W. Colorado Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
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