Children's Faith Formation


Children's Faith Formation Volunteers work with children grades 1-7 to educate children in the Catholic faith on Sundays, 10:15-11:25 am in the Parish Center. Both catechists and aides are needed to meet the Diocesan Safe Environment requirement of at least two screened and trained adults in every classroom. No teaching experience required. Opportunities to work with children in need of sacramental preparation. All volunteers must be compliant with all Diocesan Safe Environment requirements. 

Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC) Volunteers educate and prepare children and teens throughout the year for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist to be received during the Easter Vigil.


Dedicated volunteer catechists are needed to provide children with a structured learning environment and serve as a resource for the children’s many inquiries into the Christian faith. Each catechist is tasked with leading the children into a closer personal relationship with Jesus while also instructing the children in the tenets of the Catholic Faith. The main sources at the catechists’ disposal are the Bible, the classroom textbooks, storybooks, devotionals, craft supplies, and multimedia resources. The combination of these resources paired with a dedicated and capable catechist will help create an environment of learning and authentic Christian discipleship. Requirements for catechists include a meeting with the Director of Faith Formation, reference check, CBI background check and Safe Environment Training. 

Please consider sharing in the faith formation of our children. If you would be interested in becoming a catechist or classroom assistant, contact the Faith Formation Office at 719-633-8711 x105 or email

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