Mary is the greatest among the saints. At the Annunciation, Mary said “yes” to God and became the Mother of Jesus, the eternal Son of God incarnate. We believe in Mary’s Immaculate Conception (that she was without sin from the moment of her conception and she remained “full of grace” by the saving work of the son she was to bear) and that, because of her sinless state, she was assumed bodily into heaven. The Church also teaches that Mary is ever-virgin – before and after the birth of Jesus.
Mary embraced her vocation of being God’s partner in the work of redemption. Mary is the mother of Jesus, who is God. Jesus made her sinless from her first moment of existence in her mother's womb because of the singular role she was to play in our salvation. No other human person offers as vital and direct a link in the coming of Christ. The Magnificat, or Canticle of Mary, is the longest set of words uttered by a woman in the New Testament.
We follow spiritual law and foundation.
The Pope is the chief pastor and shepherd of the whole Church.
The Catholic Church has defined seven sacraments - instituted by and through the life of Jesus Christ.
Catholics believe that the Bible is God’s self-revelation written in an inspired and inerrant way.
The saints are exemplars of how to follow Christ; they teach us how to live faithful and holy lives
Prayer is communion with God. Prayer can be public or personal, spoken or silent. The Psalms are prayers we sing.
Our parish supports a variety of community partners and social justice issues beyond our local community.
The seasons of the Church follow one universal liturgical calendar.
Mailing/ Delivery address:
2021 W. Pikes Peak Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Physical address:
2030 W. Colorado Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
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