Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) Volunteers
OCIA meets on Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8 pm in the St. André House, September through Easter.
OCIA Team Member Expectations:
- Faithfully attend all monthly team meetings and OCIA sessions.
- Sign up to lead one Sunday Breaking Open the Word per month.
- Sign up to lead prayer/proclaim Scripture for at least one session per month.
- Attend all retreats, rites, and rehearsals (Fall & Spring Retreat, Rite of Welcome, Rite of Election, Scrutiny Rites, and all rehearsals).
- Lead up to 5 topic presentations during the year.
- Meet with the OCIA coordinator to review presentations at least one week prior to the scheduled date of the presentation.
- Provide a handout/outline for participants to follow
- All presentations must be done within the allotted time.
OCIA Guest Speaker Expectations:
- Arrive prior to the scheduled session time.
- Stay within the allotted period of time for the talk (whether witness or main topic presentation).
- If possible, stay for the entire session and be available for questions/discussion.
- Meet with the OCIA coordinator to review presentations at least one week prior to the scheduled date of the presentation.
- Provide a handout/outline for participants to follow
OCIA Sponsor Expectations:
- Attend all RCIA sessions.
- Attend all retreats.
- Sign up to give a witness talk for one session during the year.
- Must meet all requirements for Sponsors.